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发布日期:2018年06月27日  作者:  编辑:化工学院  文章点击量:




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职 务




2004年9月—2008年6月 天津大学过程装备与控制工程专业学习,获工学学士学位;

2008年9月—2010年6月 天津大学化学工程专业攻读硕士研究生,获工学硕士学位;





2012.06--2013.01 天津大学化工学院团委干部(2012年6月评为讲师)

2013.01--2013.08 天津大学化工学院团委副书记


2013.08--2014.07 天津大学党委办公室、校长办公室秘书科副科长(其间:2013.12--2014.05借调教育部办公厅秘书处工作)

2014.07--2019.01 贵州理工学院发展规划办副主任、主任(其间:2014.09--2019.01在天津大学化工学院化学工程专业攻读博士研究生;2015.08--2017.04借调中共贵州省委巡视工作领导小组办公室工作;2018.03--2018.06借调中共贵州省委组织部人才处工作;2015.12评为副教授)

2019.01--至今 贵州理工学院发展规划处副处长、研究生处副处长、贵州磷石膏研究院院长(正处级)(2020年12月评为教授)




主持承担国家自然科学基金、贵州省科技支撑计划项目、贵州省基础研究计划项目、贵州省高校自然科学研究项目、贵阳市科技成果转化计划项目以及企业委托课题30余项,发表论文50余篇,授权专利20余件,在多个企业建立工程应用示范点,获省部级自然科学奖三等奖1项,并担任Construction and Building Materials、Waste Managemen、Journalof Materials In Civil Engineering、New Journalof Chemistry等国际知名学术期刊特邀审稿人。




1.Chao Wei, Jie Zhang, Zan Sun,Jingyu Ran*, Shuo Li, Shuai Zhu, Chen Jiang, Youjiang Wen, Xiangqian Ran. Na5Y(MoO4)4: Sm3+ red phosphor with good thermal stability and high color rendering index for plant growth lighting and white light emitting diodes.Journal of Alloys and Compounds991 (2024) 174428.

2.Chao Wei, Jie Zhang, Zan Sun,Jingyu Ran*,Shuai Zhu, Xiangqian Ran, Shuo Li, Chen Jiang, Youjiang Wen, Lei Guo, Jiayue Sun. A novel orange-red emission of Ba2La8 (SiO4) 6O2: Sm3+ phosphor with good thermal stability and hydrophobicity.Journal of Alloys and Compounds971 (2024) 172686.

3.Chao Wei, Zan Sun,Jingyu Ran*,Jie Zhang. Orange red Ca9Sc(PO4)7: Sm3+ phosphor with excellent thermal stability for solid state lighting.Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing(2024) 130:135.

4.Jiajun Chen; Chao Wei;Jingyu Ran*,Xiangdong Su; Wei Wang; Jie Zhang.Functional hydrophobic coating for phosphogypsum via stoichiometric silanization, hydrophobic characterization, microstructure analysis, and durability evaluation.Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 347: 128560.

5.Jingyu Ran*,,Jiajun Chen,Xiangdong Su.Hydrophobic modification of building gypsum by peat soil: An in-depthanalysis of characterization, mechanism, and mechanical properties.Construction and Building Materials, 338 (2022) 127526.

6.Jie Zhang; Chao Wei; Jingyu Ran; Yang Li; Jiajun Chen; Properties of polymer composite with large dosage of phosphogypsum and it’s application in pipeline.Polymer Testing, 2022, 116:107742.

7.Jingyu Ran*; Xiangdong Su; Jiangang Zhang; Jie Zhang; Jiajun Chen; Kun Liu ;Continuous, Large-Scale, and High Proportion of Bioinspired Phosphogypsum Composites via Reactive Extrusion,Materials,2021, 14(09) 5601.

8.Jie Zhang; Han Lu; Dan Zeng; Dongye Meng; Jiajun Chen; Kun Liu;Jingyu Ran*;Xiangdong Su; Highly oriented arrangement of phosphogypsum crystals and structure of phosphogypsum/Polystyrene composites,Journal of Polymer Research,2022, 49: 461.

9.Jingyu Ran*, Lihua Xiao, Wei Wang, Shaoyi Jia, Jihua Zhang. ZIF-8@ polyoxometalate derived Si-doped ZnWO4@ZnO nanocapsules with open-shaped structures for efficient visible light photocatalysis.Chemical. Communications,2018,54, 13786.

10.J Ran*, C Wang, J Zhang, W Wang, L Xiao, S Jia, Z Wang, W Wu, J Xiao. New insight into Polydopamine@ ZIF-8 Nanohybrids: a zinc-releasing container for potential anticancer activity.Polymers,2018, 10 (5), 476.

11.J Ran*,B Yu. Rapid ferric transformation by reductive dissolution of schwertmannite for highly efficient catalytic degradation of rhodamine B.Materials,2018, 11 (7), 1165.

12.Q Xu, L Xiao,J Ran,R Tursun, G Zhou, L Deng, D Tang, Q Shu, J Qin. Cs0. 33WO3 as a high-performance transparent solar radiation shielding material for windows.Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 124 (19).

13.J Ran*,L Xiao, W Wu, Y Liu, W Qiu, J Wu. Zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) as a sacrificial template: one-pot synthesis of hollow poly (dopamine) nanocapsules and yolk-structured poly (dopamine) nanocomposites.Nanotechnology28 (5), 2017, 055604.

14.Y Liu, Y Tang, Y Zeng, X Luo,J Ran,Y Luo, X Su, BK Ng, F Liu, L Jiang. Colloidal synthesis and characterization of single-crystalline Sb2Se3 nanowires.RSC advances,2017, 7 (40), 24589-24593.

15.L Xiao, Y Su,J Ran, Y Liu, W Qiu, J Wu, F Lu, F Shao, D Tang, P Peng. First-principles prediction of solar radiation shielding performance for transparent windows of GdB6.Journal of Applied Physics,2016, 119 (16).

16.L Xiao, Y Su, W Qiu, Y Liu,J Ran,J Wu, F Lu, F Shao, D Tang, P Peng. Solar radiation shielding properties of transparent LaB6 filters through experimental and first-principles calculation methods.Ceramics International,2016, 42 (12), 14278-14281.

17.L Xiao, J Wu,J Ran,Y Liu, W Qiu, F Lu, F Shao, D Tang, P Peng. Near-infrared radiation absorption properties of covellite (CuS) using first-principles calculations.AIP Advances2016, 6 (8).

18.L Xiao, Y Su, W Qiu,J Ran,Y Liu, J Wu, F Lu, F Shao, P Peng. First-principles investigation on solar radiation shielding performance of rutile VO2 filters for smart windows.Applied Physics Letters,2016, 109 (19).

19.L Xiao,J Ran,Y Liu, J Wu, W Qiu, F Lu, F Shao, P Peng. Predictions of solar radiation shielding properties of KB6 from first principles.Computational Condensed Matter,2016, 9, 1-5.

20.S Wu, W Zhang, S Jia, Y Liu,J Ran, H Ren, J Hou. Novel pathway for the synthesis of monodisperse MCM-41 nanospheres with different particle size distributions.Materials Letters,2013, 98, 138-141.

21.W Zhang, S Jia, Q Wu, S Wu,J Ran,Y Liu, J Hou. Studies of the magnetic field intensity on the synthesis of chitosan-coated magnetite nanocomposites by co-precipitation method.Materials Science and Engineering: C,2012, 32 (2), 381-384.

22.Y Liu, S Jia, Q Wu,J Ran, W Zhang, S Wu. Studies of Fe3O4-chitosan nanoparticles prepared by co-precipitation under the magnetic field for lipase immobilization.Catalysis Communications,2011, 12 (8), 717-720.

23.J Zhang, S Jia, Y Liu, S Wu,J Ran. Optimization of enzyme-assisted extraction of the Lycium barbarum polysaccharides using response surface methodology.Carbohydrate Polymers,2011, 86 (2), 1089-1092.

24.W Zhang, S Jia, Q Wu,J Ran,S Wu, Y Liu. Convenient synthesis of anisotropic Fe3O4 nanorods by reverse co-precipitation method with magnetic field-assisted.Materials Letters,2011, 65 (12), 1973-1975.

25.J Ran*,S Jia, Y Liu, W Zhang, S Wu, X Pan. A facile method for improving the covalent crosslinking adsorption process of catalase immobilization.Bioresource technology,2010, 101 (16), 6285-6290.

26.Y Liu, S Jia,J Ran,S Wu. Effects of static magnetic field on activity and stability of immobilizedα-amylase in chitosan bead.Catalysis Communications,2010, 11 (5), 364-367.

27.J Ran*,S Jia, Y Liu, S Wu. Characterization of cellulase under various intensities of static magnetic fields.Catalysis Communications,2009, 11 (2), 91-95.












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